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Reasons to Leave Prussia

Beginning in 1521 with the Reformation, Germany, with no central government, was in a near-constant state of war, famine, poverty, and invasions. A series of principalities and knights ruling from castles over their serfs dominated the entire area.

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Castles along the waterways belonging to the ruling class provided a means of protection for the royalty.  ​Castles along the rivers were plentiful. Historians estimate there are as many as 25,000.

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Fredrick the Great fought several battles against the Austrians during the Seven Year War.

 life under the rule of the castle royalty was filled with hardships for the peasants.


Prussia Serfdom

Serfdom had developed in the German regions of Europe. Rulers created their version according to what was best for them and their empires. The German inhabitants at the lowest levels were praying for a way out of the constant war, famine, and taxation.


War in Prussia

The Seven Years War ended in 1763, providing the impetus and the opportunity for the Germans to escape their plight.

In 1745, a 16-year-old German princess from Prussia, Sophie von Anhalt-Zerbst, standing in Germany, married her second cousin,  Peter III, a Russian noble. In 1762, after six months of wedded bliss, Catherine staged a coup and removed Peter III and became the Empress of Russia.

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 In 1752, the new ruler invited Europeans to come to her newly adopted county almost immediately. That invitation, Catherine's First Manifesto, did not work as virtually no new settlers responded.

Catherine did not stop after one failed attempt. In 1763 she issued Catherine the Great's Second Manifesto. Her vision was to get industrious workers of German ancestry with farming experience and a strong work ethic to cultivate the vast plans of the Russian Steppes.

Catherine the Great 

  The Manifesto was successful, and in 1764 Dobrinka was 

founded by settlers who took the risk of traveling to an unknown land and an unknown future. By 1772 more than 100 German colonies had developed along the banks of the Volga, near the city of Saratov.

On July 22, 1763, Czarina Ekaterina (Catherine) announced her Manifesto to bring settlers to the sparsely populated Russian Steppes along the Volga River. Her offer to entice people to come to her newly adopted homeland promised as follows:

  • Religious freedom

  • Freedom from taxation and licenses for 30 years

  • Government support with interest-free loans (repayments after ten years)

  • Self-rule within the colonies

  • Permission to bring personal possessions duty-free

  • No military service for settlers and their descendants

A further perk for the prospective immigrants was free transportation to the Volga region.

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(Klaus-Peter Decker Portrait )

Following the Seven-Years-War, the time was right for Catherin to launch her Manifesto and then have it printed in German-language newspapers in the German-speaking regions of Europe. Russian recruiters set out on the task of enticing those searching for a better life to sign on the trek to a new land along the Volga River.  Although the Russian government attempted to enlist willing settlers, the original colony in Norka and most of those that followed settled near Saratov, Russia. 

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The Proclamation was printed in the German language and posted in German-speaking areas of Europe.

Manifesto of July 22, 1763

We, Catherine the Second, by the Grace of God, Empress and Autocrat of all the Russians at Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Czarina of Kazan; Czarina of Astrakhan; Czarina of Siberia; Lady of Pleskow and Grand Duchess of Smolensko; Duchess of Esthonia and Livland, Carelial, Twer, Yugoria, Permia, Viatka and Bulgaria and others; Lady and Grand Duchess of Novgorod in the Netherland of Chernihiv, Resan, Rostov, Yaroslav, Beloosrial, Udoria, Obdoria, Condinia; and Ruler of the entire North Region and Lady of the Yurish, of the Cartalinian and Grusinian czars and the Cabardinian land, of the Cherkessian and Gordian princes and the lady of the manor and sovereign of many others.

Since the vast expanse of Our Empire's territories is fully known to Us, We perceive that, among other things, no small number of such regions still lie unimproved that could be employed with lucrative ease for a most productive settlement and occupation by mankind, most of which regions conceal within their depths an inexhaustible wealth of various precious ores and metals. Since the selfsame [regions] are richly endowed with forests, rivers, seas, and oceans convenient for trade, they are also exceptionally well adapted for the establishment and growth of many types of mills, factories, and various other plants. This gave Us cause for the issuance of the Manifesto that was publicized to benefit all Our loyal subjects on December 4 of the past year, 1762. Nevertheless, since We communicated Our wishes therein only summarily to those foreigners who might be desirous of making their homes in Our Empire, We therefore now ordain, for the better clarification of this matter, the following decree, which We at this moment most solemnly confirm, and command that it be implemented, to proclaim it to all.

ONE We permit all foreigners to enter Our Empire to settle down in any government wherever it may suit each of them.


TWO Such foreigners, after their arrival, may announce themselves not only to Our Residenz [St. Petersburg] in the Guardianship-Chancellery especially established for foreigners for this purpose, but also, for the convenience of everyone, elsewhere at the border cities of Our Empire with their Governors, or, where they are not available, with cities' foremost commanding officers.

THREE Since among those foreigners desirous of settling in Russia there also may be some without sufficient means to defray the requisite travel costs, then the same can report to Our Ministers and Ambassadors at foreign courts who not only shall transport them to Russia at Our expense without hesitation but also shall provide [them] with travel funds.

FOUR As soon as such foreigners shall have reached Our Residenz and have reported to the Guardianship-Chancellery, or likewise at a border city, they then shall be expected to declare their true intentions as to wherein their natural desires precisely lie, and whether they shall wish to consent to being registered among the tradesmen or in guilds and become city residents, and indeed, specifically in which city; or whether they are desirous of settling down to farming or diverse useful trades in segregated colonies or hamlets on unclaimed and productive land; whereupon all such persons shall promptly be ranted their choice in compliance with their own wishes and desires; at the same time it may be perceived in the appended Register where and in which regions of Our Empire the specific lands, unclaimed and suitable for making one's home, are available; albeit besides those listed in the aforementioned Register still incomparably more extensive regions and diverse landed properties are to be found upon which We likewise authorize anyone to settle where each shall decide it to be most advantageous to himself.

FIVE Immediately upon arrival in Our Empire of every foreigner who contemplates settling down, and toward this end reports to the Guardian-Chancellery established for these foreigners, or instead, at other border cities of Our Empire, such person before all else must declare his personal decision, as outlined above in Section 4, and then render the oath of allegiance and loyalty in conformity with everyone's religious conviction.

SIX In order, however, that the foreigners who wish to settle in Our Empire may become apprised how far Our benevolence extends to their interest and advantage, this then is Our will:


  1. To grant all foreigners entering Our empire the unhindered freedom of religious worship following their church dogmas and practices; to those, however, who intend not to settle in cities, but in uninhabited areas, particularly in colonies or hamlets, We grant permission to build churches and campaniles and to maintain the number of clergy and deacons necessary to that, only the construction of cloisters being excluded. Nevertheless, everyone is warned as a result of this under no pretext whatsoever to persuade or mislead any Christian fellow-believer residing in Russia into embracing, or assenting to, his faith or church, should he not wish to subject himself to fear of punishment to the full force of Our laws. Sundry nations adhering to the Mohammedan faith that borders on Our Empire are excluded from that place; concerning these, We permit and sanction everyone not only to incline them to the Christian faith through proper procedure and also to acquire the same as his serfs.

  1. None among such foreigners coming to settle in Russia shall be compelled to pay the least in taxes into Our treasury or render their usual or unusual services or be forced to furnish billeting. However, in a single word, everyone shall be free of every tax and impost to the following degree: those, for instance, who as a part of many families enjoy thirty free years; those settling in cities, however, and wishing to enroll themselves either in guilds or the body of merchants, [or] even to take up residence in our Residenz Saint Petersburg or neighboring cities in Livonia, Estonia, Ingria, Karelia, and Finland, no less than in Our Capital City Moscow, [shall] have five free years; in all remaining Governments or Provinces and other cities, however, ten free years. Moreover, everyone who does not come to Russia for perhaps only a brief time but instead actually to make his home shall have, beyond all this, free [living] quarters throughout an entire half a year.

  2. All foreigners coming to Russia to make their homes, who are inclined toward either farming and other manual industry, or instead toward establishing mills, factories, and plants, will be offered every helping hand and consideration and be granted not only adequate and productive land for everyone's purpose but also, according to the pertinent circumstances of each, be extended requisite support depending on the future need and utility of such proposed factories and plants, notably, however, of such that until now have not yet been established in Russia.

  3. For the construction of houses, for the acquisition of various breeds of livestock required for the household, and for all types of equipment, accessories, and materials necessary for farming, as well as for handcrafting, the needed financed shall be advanced to everyone from Our treasury without any interest; on the contrary, only the capital shall be repaid in three equal parts over three years, but not before the expiration of ten years.

  4. We leave to the established, segregated colonies or hamlets the internal framework of government following their discretion in such manner that the administrative personnel appointed by Us shall not participate in their internal affairs; otherwise, though, such colonists are obligated to submit to Our civil laws. However, should they desire to receive from Us a particular person as their guardian or patron for their security and defense who is provided with an armed guard of soldiers who maintain good military discipline, until the colonists have acquainted themselves with their neighboring inhabitants, then they also shall be accommodated in this matter?

  5. To every foreigner wishing to make his home in Russia, We shall allow the completely duty-free importation of his property, of whatever it may consist, with the reservation, however, that such property shall be intended for his use and need, and not for sale. Nevertheless, whosoever, beyond his requirements, still might bring along a few goods to sell, to him We grant free tariff on 300 rubles worth of wares for each family, but only in such event that it remains in Russia at least ten years; failing which, upon its return journey, the toll will be collected for the imported and exported goods.


  1. Such foreigners who have settled in Russia shall, during the entire time of their living here, be enlisted against their will in neither the military nor civil service, except for the customary Land-Dienste [general labor service]; indeed, no one shall be constrained to render even this Land-Dienst before the expiration of the years mentioned above of immunity; however, whosoever is disposed to enter the military service voluntarily as a soldier will be given, aside from the usual pay, thirty rubles bonus upon his enlistment in the regiment.

  2. As soon as the foreigners have reported to the Guardianship-Chancellery established for them, or otherwise at Our border cities, and have announced their decision to move into the innermost portion of the empire and settle there, at that time they also will receive board money besides free transportation to their chosen destination.

  3. Whosoever among said foreigners settling in Russia establishes such mills, factories, or plants, and produces goods therein that until then have not been current in Russia, to him we grant permission throughout the stated ten years to sell freely without the imposition of any inland-sea or border duty and to export from Our Empire.

  4. To foreign capitalists who establish mills, factories, and plants in Russia at their own expense, We, as a result of this, allow the purchasing of serfs and peasants necessary for such plants, mills, and factories.

We also allow (11) all foreigners settled in colonies or hamlets in Our Empire to operate daily or annual markets at their discretion without paying any tax or impost whatsoever into Our treasury.


SEVEN All the benefits above and accommodations shall be enjoyed not only by those themselves who have come into Our Empire to make their homes, but also their surviving children and descendants even though they were born in Russia; and that is to say, that their years of immunity are to be computed from the day of their forefathers' arrivals in Russia.

EIGHT After expiration of the years above of immunity, all foreigners who settled in "Russia are obligated to pay the customary imposts entailing no burden whatsoever, and like Our other subjects, perform Land-Dienste.

NINE Finally and in conclusion, whosoever among these foreigners who have become settled and have submitted themselves to Our dominion might come of a mind to leave Our Empire, to him We indeed give the liberty to do that at all times, but with this explanation, that such shall be required to pay into Our treasury a portion of their entire property profitably acquired in Our Empire; those, to-wit, who have lived here from one to five years [shall] pay the one-fifth of its value, however, those who have dwelt in Our Land from five to ten years and more, one-tenth of its value; thereafter everyone is permitted to journey unhindered anywhere he pleases.

TEN When, moreover, any foreigners desirous of making a home in Russia, for one or another particular reason may wish to procure still other conditions and privileges beyond the preceding, such may, on this account, apply personally or in writing to Our Guardianship-Chancellery created for foreigners, which will report everything to Us in detail; whereupon We then, after considering the circumstances, will not hesitate to make a still more favorable Sovereign determination, such as each may confidently expect from Our love of righteousness. Given at Peterhof, in the year 1763, on July 22, in the second year of Our reign. Her Imperial Majesty has subscribed the Original by Her Own hand as follows: CATHARINA.

Published by the Senate on July 25, 1763.


Beratz, Gottieb. The German colonies on the Lower Volga, their origin and early development: a memorial to the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first German settlers on the Volga, June 29, 1764. Translated by Adam Giesinger. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1991.

Dietz, Jacob E. History of the Volga German Colonists. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 2005.

Koch, Fred C. The Volga Germans: In Russia and the Americas, from 1763 to the Present. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977.


Pleve, Igor R. The German Colonies on the Volga: The Second Half of the Eighteenth Century. Translated by Richard Rye. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 2001.






Fred C. Koch made this translation from a German text published in "Volk auf dem Weg," June 1962. The original document is held in the Stadtarchiv of Ulm, Germany.

Reasons to Leave Prussia

Beginning in 1521 with the Reformation, Germany, with no central government, was in a near-constant state of war, famine, poverty, and invasions. A series of principalities and knights ruling from castles over their serfs dominated the entire area.

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Castles along the waterways belonging to the ruling class provided a means of protection for the royalty.  ​Castles along the rivers were plentiful. Historians estimate there are as many as 25,000.

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Fredrick the Great fought several battles against the Austrians during the Seven Year War.

 life under the rule of the castle royalty was filled with hardships for the peasants.


Prussia Serfdom

Serfdom had developed in the German regions of Europe. Rulers created their version according to what was best for them and their empires. The German inhabitants at the lowest levels were praying for a way out of the constant war, famine, and taxation.


War in Prussia

The Seven Years War ended in 1763, providing the impetus and the opportunity for the Germans to escape their plight.

In 1745, a 16-year-old German princess from Prussia, Sophie von Anhalt-Zerbst, standing in Germany, married her second cousin,  Peter III, a Russian noble. In 1762, after six months of wedded bliss, Catherine staged a coup and removed Peter III and became the Empress of Russia.

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Catherine the Great 

 In 1752, the new ruler invited Europeans to come to her newly adopted county almost immediately. That invitation, Catherine's First Manifesto, did not work as virtually no new settlers responded.

Catherine did not stop after one failed attempt. In 1763 she issued Catherine the Great's Second Manifesto. Her vision was to get industrious workers of German ancestry with farming experience and a strong work ethic to cultivate the vast plans of the Russian Steppes.

  The Manifesto was successful, and in 1764 Dobrinka was 

founded by settlers who took the risk of traveling to an unknown land and an unknown future. By 1772 more than 100 German colonies had developed along the banks of the Volga, near the city of Saratov.

On July 22, 1763, Czarina Ekaterina (Catherine) announced her Manifesto to bring settlers to the sparsely populated Russian Steppes along the Volga River. Her offer to entice people to come to her newly adopted homeland promised as follows:

  • Religious freedom

  • Freedom from taxation and licenses for 30 years

  • Government support with interest-free loans (repayments after ten years)

  • Self-rule within the colonies

  • Permission to bring personal possessions duty-free

  • No military service for settlers and their descendants

A further perk for the prospective immigrants was free transportation to the Volga region.

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Manifesto Poster

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(Klaus-Peter Decker Portrait )

Following the Seven-Years-War, the time was right for Catherin to launch her Manifesto and then have it printed in German-language newspapers in the German-speaking regions of Europe. Russian recruiters set out on the task of enticing those searching for a better life to sign on the trek to a new land along the Volga River.  Although the Russian government attempted to enlist willing settlers, the original colony in Norka and most of those that followed settled near Saratov, Russia. 

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The Proclamation was printed in the German language and posted in German-speaking areas of Europe.

Manifesto of July 22, 1763

We, Catherine the Second, by the Grace of God, Empress and Autocrat of all the Russians at Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Czarina of Kazan; Czarina of Astrakhan; Czarina of Siberia; Lady of Pleskow and Grand Duchess of Smolensko; Duchess of Esthonia and Livland, Carelial, Twer, Yugoria, Permia, Viatka and Bulgaria and others; Lady and Grand Duchess of Novgorod in the Netherland of Chernihiv, Resan, Rostov, Yaroslav, Beloosrial, Udoria, Obdoria, Condinia; and Ruler of the entire North Region and Lady of the Yurish, of the Cartalinian and Grusinian czars and the Cabardinian land, of the Cherkessian and Gordian princes and the lady of the manor and sovereign of many others.

Since the vast expanse of Our Empire's territories is fully known to Us, We perceive that, among other things, no small number of such regions still lie unimproved that could be employed with lucrative ease for a most productive settlement and occupation by mankind, most of which regions conceal within their depths an inexhaustible wealth of various precious ores and metals. Since the selfsame [regions] are richly endowed with forests, rivers, seas, and oceans convenient for trade, they are also exceptionally well adapted for the establishment and growth of many types of mills, factories, and various other plants. This gave Us cause for the issuance of the Manifesto that was publicized to benefit all Our loyal subjects on December 4 of the past year, 1762. Nevertheless, since We communicated Our wishes therein only summarily to those foreigners who might be desirous of making their homes in Our Empire, We therefore now ordain, for the better clarification of this matter, the following decree, which We at this moment most solemnly confirm, and command that it be implemented, to proclaim it to all.

ONE We permit all foreigners to enter Our Empire to settle down in any government wherever it may suit each of them.


TWO Such foreigners, after their arrival, may announce themselves not only to Our Residenz [St. Petersburg] in the Guardianship-Chancellery especially established for foreigners for this purpose, but also, for the convenience of everyone, elsewhere at the border cities of Our Empire with their Governors, or, where they are not available, with cities' foremost commanding officers.

THREE Since among those foreigners desirous of settling in Russia there also may be some without sufficient means to defray the requisite travel costs, then the same can report to Our Ministers and Ambassadors at foreign courts who not only shall transport them to Russia at Our expense without hesitation but also shall provide [them] with travel funds.

FOUR As soon as such foreigners shall have reached Our Residenz and have reported to the Guardianship-Chancellery, or likewise at a border city, they then shall be expected to declare their true intentions as to wherein their natural desires precisely lie, and whether they shall wish to consent to being registered among the tradesmen or in guilds and become city residents, and indeed, specifically in which city; or whether they are desirous of settling down to farming or diverse useful trades in segregated colonies or hamlets on unclaimed and productive land; whereupon all such persons shall promptly be ranted their choice in compliance with their own wishes and desires; at the same time it may be perceived in the appended Register where and in which regions of Our Empire the specific lands, unclaimed and suitable for making one's home, are available; albeit besides those listed in the aforementioned Register still incomparably more extensive regions and diverse landed properties are to be found upon which We likewise authorize anyone to settle where each shall decide it to be most advantageous to himself.

FIVE Immediately upon arrival in Our Empire of every foreigner who contemplates settling down, and toward this end reports to the Guardian-Chancellery established for these foreigners, or instead, at other border cities of Our Empire, such person before all else must declare his personal decision, as outlined above in Section 4, and then render the oath of allegiance and loyalty in conformity with everyone's religious conviction.

SIX In order, however, that the foreigners who wish to settle in Our Empire may become apprised how far Our benevolence extends to their interest and advantage, this then is Our will:


  1. To grant all foreigners entering Our empire the unhindered freedom of religious worship following their church dogmas and practices; to those, however, who intend not to settle in cities, but in uninhabited areas, particularly in colonies or hamlets, We grant permission to build churches and campaniles and to maintain the number of clergy and deacons necessary to that, only the construction of cloisters being excluded. Nevertheless, everyone is warned as a result of this under no pretext whatsoever to persuade or mislead any Christian fellow-believer residing in Russia into embracing, or assenting to, his faith or church, should he not wish to subject himself to fear of punishment to the full force of Our laws. Sundry nations adhering to the Mohammedan faith that borders on Our Empire are excluded from that place; concerning these, We permit and sanction everyone not only to incline them to the Christian faith through proper procedure and also to acquire the same as his serfs.

  1. None among such foreigners coming to settle in Russia shall be compelled to pay the least in taxes into Our treasury or render their usual or unusual services or be forced to furnish billeting. However, in a single word, everyone shall be free of every tax and impost to the following degree: those, for instance, who as a part of many families enjoy thirty free years; those settling in cities, however, and wishing to enroll themselves either in guilds or the body of merchants, [or] even to take up residence in our Residenz Saint Petersburg or neighboring cities in Livonia, Estonia, Ingria, Karelia, and Finland, no less than in Our Capital City Moscow, [shall] have five free years; in all remaining Governments or Provinces and other cities, however, ten free years. Moreover, everyone who does not come to Russia for perhaps only a brief time but instead actually to make his home shall have, beyond all this, free [living] quarters throughout an entire half a year.

  2. All foreigners coming to Russia to make their homes, who are inclined toward either farming and other manual industry, or instead toward establishing mills, factories, and plants, will be offered every helping hand and consideration and be granted not only adequate and productive land for everyone's purpose but also, according to the pertinent circumstances of each, be extended requisite support depending on the future need and utility of such proposed factories and plants, notably, however, of such that until now have not yet been established in Russia.

  3. For the construction of houses, for the acquisition of various breeds of livestock required for the household, and for all types of equipment, accessories, and materials necessary for farming, as well as for handcrafting, the needed financed shall be advanced to everyone from Our treasury without any interest; on the contrary, only the capital shall be repaid in three equal parts over three years, but not before the expiration of ten years.

  4. We leave to the established, segregated colonies or hamlets the internal framework of government following their discretion in such manner that the administrative personnel appointed by Us shall not participate in their internal affairs; otherwise, though, such colonists are obligated to submit to Our civil laws. However, should they desire to receive from Us a particular person as their guardian or patron for their security and defense who is provided with an armed guard of soldiers who maintain good military discipline, until the colonists have acquainted themselves with their neighboring inhabitants, then they also shall be accommodated in this matter?

  5. To every foreigner wishing to make his home in Russia, We shall allow the completely duty-free importation of his property, of whatever it may consist, with the reservation, however, that such property shall be intended for his use and need, and not for sale. Nevertheless, whosoever, beyond his requirements, still might bring along a few goods to sell, to him We grant free tariff on 300 rubles worth of wares for each family, but only in such event that it remains in Russia at least ten years; failing which, upon its return journey, the toll will be collected for the imported and exported goods.


  1. Such foreigners who have settled in Russia shall, during the entire time of their living here, be enlisted against their will in neither the military nor civil service, except for the customary Land-Dienste [general labor service]; indeed, no one shall be constrained to render even this Land-Dienst before the expiration of the years mentioned above of immunity; however, whosoever is disposed to enter the military service voluntarily as a soldier will be given, aside from the usual pay, thirty rubles bonus upon his enlistment in the regiment.

  2. As soon as the foreigners have reported to the Guardianship-Chancellery established for them, or otherwise at Our border cities, and have announced their decision to move into the innermost portion of the empire and settle there, at that time they also will receive board money besides free transportation to their chosen destination.

  3. Whosoever among said foreigners settling in Russia establishes such mills, factories, or plants, and produces goods therein that until then have not been current in Russia, to him we grant permission throughout the stated ten years to sell freely without the imposition of any inland-sea or border duty and to export from Our Empire.

  4. To foreign capitalists who establish mills, factories, and plants in Russia at their own expense, We, as a result of this, allow the purchasing of serfs and peasants necessary for such plants, mills, and factories.

We also allow (11) all foreigners settled in colonies or hamlets in Our Empire to operate daily or annual markets at their discretion without paying any tax or impost whatsoever into Our treasury.


SEVEN All the benefits above and accommodations shall be enjoyed not only by those themselves who have come into Our Empire to make their homes, but also their surviving children and descendants even though they were born in Russia; and that is to say, that their years of immunity are to be computed from the day of their forefathers' arrivals in Russia.

EIGHT After expiration of the years above of immunity, all foreigners who settled in "Russia are obligated to pay the customary imposts entailing no burden whatsoever, and like Our other subjects, perform Land-Dienste.

NINE Finally and in conclusion, whosoever among these foreigners who have become settled and have submitted themselves to Our dominion might come of a mind to leave Our Empire, to him We indeed give the liberty to do that at all times, but with this explanation, that such shall be required to pay into Our treasury a portion of their entire property profitably acquired in Our Empire; those, to-wit, who have lived here from one to five years [shall] pay the one-fifth of its value, however, those who have dwelt in Our Land from five to ten years and more, one-tenth of its value; thereafter everyone is permitted to journey unhindered anywhere he pleases.

TEN When, moreover, any foreigners desirous of making a home in Russia, for one or another particular reason may wish to procure still other conditions and privileges beyond the preceding, such may, on this account, apply personally or in writing to Our Guardianship-Chancellery created for foreigners, which will report everything to Us in detail; whereupon We then, after considering the circumstances, will not hesitate to make a still more favorable Sovereign determination, such as each may confidently expect from Our love of righteousness. Given at Peterhof, in the year 1763, on July 22, in the second year of Our reign. Her Imperial Majesty has subscribed the Original by Her Own hand as follows: CATHARINA.

Published by the Senate on July 25, 1763.


Beratz, Gottieb. The German colonies on the Lower Volga, their origin and early development: a memorial to the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first German settlers on the Volga, June 29, 1764. Translated by Adam Giesinger. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1991.

Dietz, Jacob E. History of the Volga German Colonists. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 2005.

Koch, Fred C. The Volga Germans: In Russia and the Americas, from 1763 to the Present. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977.


Pleve, Igor R. The German Colonies on the Volga: The Second Half of the Eighteenth Century. Translated by Richard Rye. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 2001.



Fred C. Koch made this translation from a German text published in "Volk auf dem Weg," June 1962. The original document is held in the Stadtarchiv of Ulm, Germany.

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We celebrate 260 years of history with Germans from Russia.

Central California Chapter-AHSGR

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