Heritage Videos
Making Noodles
Watch as the volunteers of the Central California Chapter make egg noodles for this popular Chapter fundraiser!
Vera Hills Heritage Video
Vera Hills reviews the German-Russian experience in the context of her family history.
Connie Coberly Makes Strawberry Vereneks
Connie uses homegrown strawberries to create a traditional Volga German treat. Along the way, she provides excellent cooking tips.
Tom Sommers tells of his history with legendary Fresno State Baseball Coach
Beiden, a German from Russia, was born in the village of Dinkel on the Volga River in 1908. The Beiden family moved to Fresno in 1912.
Franklin Diel on Barnstorming and Weddings
Franklin Diel talks about his uncle, Alex Metzler, barnstorming in Fresno with Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
Dedication of the Germans from Russia Library, August 14, 1983
The words of Mayor Daniel K. Whitehurst and councilman and former mayor Ted C. Wills are displayed in transcription.
Mr. Diel shares memories of Germantown, Sunflower Seeds, Work Ethic ...
And his remembrances of and what life was like in West Fresno. Franklin has a remarkable memory and is a wonderful historian for our chapter.