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Genealogy Research Library 

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For genealogists, Chapter volunteers  have collected vital statistics of Fresno City and  County - births, deaths,

and marriages from about 1890 to 1975. Also included are 5,000 applications for citizenship and copies of the local German church records, which are the Free Evangelical Lutheran Cross Church (now known as the Cross Church, which was

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organized in 1892), the Zion Congregational Church, the Wartburg Church, the Biola Congregational Church, the Salem Church of Sanger and the Third Church of Sanger.

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The library also houses various reference books on how to conduct genealogy research and various books about Germans from Russia, family genealogies, village newsletters, many maps, & the huge west coast repository which consists of 100,000 duplicate obituary cards and 55,000 family group cards of those held at the Heritage Center in Lincoln, Nebraska.

A collection of 383 files, including 195,873 individuals are in the computer by using the Personal Ancestry File (PAF). We accept GEDCOMs. Click here to view this huge list of surnames previously researched. The villages associated with each surname are also listed.The Chapter library is open for genealogy research Monday through Thursday, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM and closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Volunteer librarians are available to assist researchers during the open hours.

We celebrate 260 years of history with Germans from Russia.
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